It's not every day we welcome twins to the studio. In Australia twins happen, 1 in every 80 births, this means that 1 in 40 Australians is a twin! So, when we learned Harley and Axel were joining us to celebrate their milestone birthday, with a cake smash photoshoot, we were ecstatic!

individual personalities...

Mr Harley, was born one minute before Axel, and even though there is a mere sixty seconds between the pair, Harley takes his big brother responsibilities very seriously!

As we welcomed the family into our Narre Warren North studio, the boy's parents shared how the two differ in personalities; Harley is deeply focused and analytical, whilst Axel is more outgoing and resilient. 

Interestingly enough, when it came time to shoot, we were quickly left guessing their identity as Axel took time to warm into his session whilst Harley posed as though he had done this a hundred times before! 


And whilst twins have an undeniable beyond already, what makes these two extra special, is the connection between their family! Harley And Axel are actually 'double cousins' with their cousins.......have you ever heard that before? We hadn't!!

Double cousins occur when two siblings of one family marry two siblings from another family. The kids of both families are then related to each other through both of their parents and are therefore doubly related......get your head around that combination! haha!

However, the cherry on top is that the boy's cousins are twins as well (Mic drop...)!! Safe to say the family celebrations would make for a little less drama and a whole lot more fun!

time to celebrate your bub?

What have you got organised for your baby's first birthday celebration? If you feel a party is just too overwhelming, an intimate cake smash photography session is the perfect answer......and to top it off, you get memories to keep! Please get in contact with any questions you may have, or simply book now.

We can't wait to help you celebrate your baby's first year of life.